Easy Concert Pieces 3 | Sopranblockflöjt

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21 Pieces from 5 Centuries

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Utgåva: Schott Music
Instrumentation: Sopranblockflöjt & Piano
Artikelnr: ED23162 Kategorier: , ,


Easy Concert Pieces 3 | Sopranblockflöjt

21 Pieces from 5 Centuries

Vol­ume num­ber: Band 3
In­stru­men­ta­tion: descant recorder and piano
Edi­tion: edition with CD
Lan­guage: English – German

The Easy Concert Pieces series has the right pieces ready for the first concerts. Easy to intermediate original compositions and arrangements for descant recorder and piano provide a cross section of the different epochs, from the Renaissance to the modern era. The enclosed CDs contain all pieces as full versions and as piano accompaniment for playing along.

Vol. 3 ultimately contains works which exploit the full tonal range. The pieces, some of which are quite long, allow for a musically differentiated work and encourage the player’s own interpretation and expressiveness.


Tomaso Cecchino (1583 –1644) 1. Sonata terza
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 –1643): Corrente
Johann Christoph Pepusch (1667–1752): Adagio (from / aus: Sonata No. 2 D minor / d-Moll)
Diogenio Bigaglia (ca. 1676 – ca. 1745): Allegro (from / aus: Sonata A minor / a-Moll)
Jean Baptiste Loeillet (1680 –1730) 5. Allegro (from / aus: Sonata C major / C-Dur)
Louis de Caix d’Hervelois (ca. 1680 –1759): Tambourin (from / aus: Suite op. 6/4
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767): Siciliana (from / aus: Partita No. 2 in G)
Georg Philipp Telemann: Aria (from / aus: Partita No. 2 in G)
Joseph Haydn (1732–1809): Andante (from: Surprise Symphony, No. 94 / aus: Sinfonie mit dem Paukenschlag, Nr. 94)
James Hook (1746 –1827): Andante (from / aus: Sonata G major / G-Dur)
Luigi Boccherini (1743 –1805): Minuet / Menuett
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 –1791): The Bird Cather’s Song / „Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja” (from: The Magic Flute / aus: Die Zauberflöte)
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 –1827): Für Elise (Theme / Thema)
Georges Bizet (1838 –1875): Habanera
Edward MacDowell (1860 –1908): To a Wild Rose (from: Woodland Sketches / aus: Amerikanische Wald-Idyllen, op. 51/1)
Mátyás Seiber (1905 –1960): Ragtime
Hans Posegga (1917–2002): The Mouse / Die Maus (from / aus: „Die Sendung mit der Maus“)
Werner Rottler (1939 –2012): Meadow in the Morning Sun / Wiese in der Morgensonne
Rainer Mohrs (*1953): Feeling Blue
Rainer Mohrs: Feeling Happy
Hans-Georg Lotz (1934 – 2001): The Bat’s Swing / Fledermaus-Swing

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