Hohner | Blues Harp | 532/20

579,00 kr

Karaktäristiskt bluesmunspel med träkärna. Hel och halvtoner, modularsystem.

Artikelnr: Hohner-988082 Kategorier: ,


Hohner Blues Harp

Munspel Hohner 532. Karaktäristiskt bluesmunspel med träkärna. Hel och halvtoner, modularsystem.

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The legendary harp for blues!

The brand name ”Blues Harp® “ has attained cult status in the contemporary music scene. The model which bears the name features a functional design combining a wooden comb, high covers without side vents and high quality reed plates to give the instrument its typical bluesy sound, which has made it immensely popular with beginning and intermediate players alike.

Blues Harp®
Every now and again, a branded article achieves such a high degree of success and widespread distribution that the brand name becomes synonymous with the generic product. This has certainly been the case with the HOHNER Blues Harp®, now well into its fifth decade as HOHNER‘s most popular diatonic model.


Specifikationer för: Hohner Blues Harp


Hohner Blues Harp - Tuning Chart


Tuning Richter
Number of holes 10
Reeds 20 brass
Cover surface stainless steel
Reed plates 0,9 mm brass
Reed plate surface brass
Mouthpiece surface doussie lacquered
Comb doussie, brown
Length 10,5 cm


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